Scales & Accessories

Scales & Accessories

(Sold By Each Qty)
* Stacking Discount:
 Based on the total sales order amount,
automatically discount for lower tier prices.
Index Model # Description Dimensions Load/
Accuracy Price Each Redeem
for Free
Order Qty.
Stacking Discount * : Total Sales Order ≥
1 2 3 5
1 DS811-10D
Counting Scale / With LCD Display
12 x 9 x 4.5" 66 lbs 0.001 lb $ 155 $ 148 $ 148 $ 135 5000 pts
2 DS811-21L Digital Floor Scales / With LED Display 48 x 48 x 4.5" 5,000 lbs 1 lb. 575 510 490 460 25000 pts
3 DS811-21LS
Digital Floor Scales / With LED Display, NTEP Approved
850 780 720 660 30000 pts
4 DS811-23L Digital Floor Scales / With LED Display & Printer 10,000 lbs 2 lb. 988 935 915 888 40000 pts
5 DS811-21IN
Floor Scale Indicator - NTEP Legal for Trade Weight Indicator
N/A N/A N/A $120 Any QTY 5000 pts
6 DS811-61D
Floor Scale - Thermal Printer
278 258 239 239 4000 pts