Gaylord Boxes
Corrugated Pads
  • Great for consolidating smaller boxes or items and transfer them as bulk at once.
  • Protect and conceal large and irregularly shaped shipments.
  • Easy to load/unload.

Additional Info.

  • Great for consolidating smaller boxes or items and transfer them as bulk at once.
  • Protect and conceal large and irregularly shaped shipments.
  • Easy to load/unload.

Additional Info.

  • Great for consolidating smaller boxes or items and transfer them as bulk at once.
  • Protect and conceal large and irregularly shaped shipments.
  • Easy to load/unload.

Gaylord Boxes

* Stacking Discount:
 Based on the total sales order amount,
automatically discount for lower tier prices.
Gaylord Boxes Price Each
Stacking Discount * : Total Sales Order ≥
Sold by
minimum Qty
Index Model # Inside Dimensions
L x W x H
Description $100 or
1 Bndl
$500 or
1/2 Skid
$1,000 or
1 Skid
$2,500 or
2 Skids
4 Skids
Qty Order
1 CB480-400E3S-GT 48 x 40 x 3" - Gaylord Top Lid
32 ECT S/W HSC Lid
$ 2.80 $ 2.60 $ 2.35 $ 2.15 Email For Quote 300
2 CB480-400480E3S 48 x 40 x 48" 32 ECT S/W HSC 16.80 14.50 13.50 11.50 Email For Quote 125
3 CB480-400600E3S-10 48 x 40 x 60" - 10" Flanged Bottom 32 ECT S/W HSC 18.80 16.50 14.90 12.50 Email For Quote 125
4 CB480-400700E5D-10 48 x 40 x 70" - 10" Flanged Bottom
32.00 28.00 23.80 21.95 Email For Quote 70
5 CB480-400720E3S-10 48 x 40 x 72" - 10" Flanged Bottom 32 ECT S/W HSC 19.80 17.50 15.90 13.50 Email For Quote 125
6 CB480-400800E3S-08 48 x 40 x 80" - 8" Flanged Bottom 32 ECT S/W HSC 22.80 20.50 17.90 15.50 Email For Quote 125